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Les samedis et dimanches, des visites guidées gratuites du musée Palladio sont organisées. Le musée Palladio raconte la vie et les œuvres du plus célèbre architecte des cinq derniers siècles, Andrea Palladio. Le musée est installé dans le centre historique de Vicence, dans le Palais Barbaran da Porto, l’un des plus beaux édifices du grand architecte : […]


  Notre Relais Santa Corona est situé dans une position si centrale à Vicence qu’il est souvent impliqué dans des événements qui concernent la ville, comme dans le cas de la StraVicenza qui a eu lieu le week-end dernier, une course à pied non compétitive de 10 km également dans les rues du centre-ville. Relais […]


14. 15. 16. MARS 2024 : ENSEMBLE MUSAGÈTE, MOZART DÉPLACE À L’ÉDITION VICENZA III Trois mini-concerts avec l’Ensemble Musagète pour commémorer le bref passage du jeune Mozart à Vicence en mars 1771. Les concerts auront lieu au Palazzo Chiericati, au Teatro Olimpico et au Palazzo Thiene de Vicence, près de notre Relais Santa Corona. En savoir […]

Faustina’s braids exhibition at Palazzo Leoni Montanari, Vicenza

Faustina’s braids: women’s hairstyles and power in the Renaissance The theme of the exhibition addresses for the first time in a monographic way a fundamental aspect of the art, culture, society and antiquarian studies of the Renaissance: women’s hairstyles. Through a wide-ranging selection of works, from imperial busts to Renaissance ones, from paintings to sculptures, […]

ARS IUVENES – Exhibition of young artists of Academy of Fine Arts at Relais Santa Corona

LeieLei by Matteo Daloiso at Relais Santa Corona, Vicenza Free entry, from 11/27/23 to 12/17/23 The Relais Santa Corona presents the ARS IUVENES exhibition offering the opportunity to young artists who attend the Academy of Fine Arts to exhibit their works for free. The first artist selected is Matteo Daloiso, born in Vimercate (MB) in […]

Budapest Orchestra will perform soon in Vicenza

When maestro Iván Fischer founded the Budapest Festival Orchestra in 1983, he saw a long-held dream come true. The philosophy behind the orchestra was to create a group of musicians who were creative, responsible and within which each would continue to develop their musicality in the orchestral, chamber and solo repertoire. The orchestra will perform […]

BISAZZA FOUNDATION: FREE GUIDED TOURS every Friday in July at 4.00 pm

If the quintessential Victorian heroine conceived by Lewis Carroll, Alice, fell down a 21st-century white rabbit’s hole, she would undoubtedly find herself at ease at the Bisazza Foundation in Vicenza. Neither the Queen of Hearts nor the Mad Hatter live here, but a monumental multicolored armchair more than three meters high, a sparkling silver-colored candelabra, […]