Vicenza, the perfect base to visit Padua

It is the heart and historical seat of the University, which has been housed there since the end of the fifteenth century. It has the world’s first stable anatomical theater, completed in 1595: it is the world’s first example of a permanent structure created for teaching anatomy through the dissection of cadavers. This technique, which evolved hand in hand with the development of medical science, became recurrent in the fifteenth century: the documents of the time testify to the widespread construction of temporary structures, which were assembled and disassembled when necessary, in which the anatomists kept their lessons and performed the interventions. Their shape resembled that of the Roman amphitheaters. The bodies for autopsies were delivered to the University by the judicial authorities: they were often, but not always, executed. For more info visit the website

Vicenza and our Relais Santa Corona are the ideal starting points for visiting the Veneto, Padua is only 15 minutes away by fast regional train!

Vicenza and our Relais Santa Corona are the ideal starting points for visiting the Veneto, Padua is only 15 minutes away by fast regional train!

Il Teatro anatomico di Padova: il più antico nel suo genere - OUBLIETTE  MAGAZINE
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