Публикации от update

PRESS READER SERVICE read newspapers free!

Read your complementary hometown paper no matter where you are! Our hotel is committed to conserve our natural resources minimizing our impact towards the environment as much as possibile: press reader is the only way you can contribute to save our planet! Read your favorite newspaper and magazine on your tablet or smathphone during your […]

New BIKES RENTAL SERVICE in Vicenza at Relais Santa Corona

With the spring’ arrival, take advantage of the good weather to visit our beautiful city, located in the heart of the Veneto. Our Relais Santa Corona offers a new service: the rental bikes for our clients! Vicenza could be a wonderful base for visit the surrounding areas: for beginners there are many flat routes, for the […]

Concert Budapest Orchestra Vicenza Opera Festival 13/10/2018

This Saturday, October 13 is scheduled the grand concert held by the Budapest Orchestra at the Olympic Theater in Vicenza during the Vicenza Opera Festival. Our Relais Santa Corona hosts part of the cast and is a partner of the initiative. The Budapest orchestra was founded by master Ivan Fischer in 1983 with the spirit that […]


Come ogni estate, torno anche quest’anno l’iniziativa organizzata dal Comune di Vicenza a Parco Querini, il piu’ grande polmone verde situato nel centro della città. Fino al 9 settembre si susseguirà un calendario ricco di appuntamenti sportivi gratuiti di tonificazione muscolare e cardiovascolare. Sono state allestite nel parco 3 differenti postazioni: presso la Porta del […]

Exhibition of historical toys – Palazzo Chiericati – Vicenza

The Cavalli Rosazza collection of historical toys is permanently displayed in the basement of Palazzo Chiericati in the center of Vicenza: 5000 industrial toys worth 1 million euros are exhibited in 600 square meters of exhibition space. The toys date back to the mid-1800s after the Second World War and were collected by the Torinese […]

David Chipperfield in Basilica Palladiana in Vicenza from May 12, 2018

The famous English architect David Chipperfield will present his new projects in Basilica Palladiana, in the heart of the historic center of Vicenza, from May 12, 2018 near our Relais Santa Corona, located in the historic center. Born in London in 1953, he attended the Architectural Association where he graduated in architecture. In 1984 he […]