
NOTTURNI PALLADIANI, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto Vicenza

Notturni Palladiani, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto a Vicenza

Prossimo appuntamento giovedì 3 agosto alle ore 21.00

Cosa fare quest’estate 2017 a Vicenza? Chiedi maggiori informazioni alla reception del nostro hotel Relais Santa Corona ! In città ci saranno vari concerti.

L’appuntamento al Palladio Museum vedrà l’esordio dei fiati dell’Orchesta del Teatro Olimpico diretta dal maestro Davide Sanson che proporrà opere di Mozart, Rossini, Strauss nella trascrizione dell’ensemble di fiati. Davide Sanson è diplomato in tromba ed insegna presso il conservatorio della Valle d’Aosta; ha all’attivo numerose collaborazioni con orchestre italiane e internazionali.

Il costo del biglietto è di 7 euro e può essere acquistato la sera stessa dell’evento o telefonando al numero 0444-326598

Per maggiori info si prega di visitare il sito

Palazzo Barbaran da Porto 

Oggi sede del Palladio Museum e del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio. Disegnato da Andrea Palladio, era la residenza del nobile Montano Barbarano. Gli interessi musicali del committente si notano nella rappresentazione di flauti nella facciata. Al pianterreno un atrio a 4 colonne realizzato su modello del Teatro Marcello di Roma; Palladio utilizza elementi classici per mascherare l’asimmetria dell’edificio preesistente. Per la decorazione delle sale interne vennero chiamati Battista Zelotti, Anselmo Canera, Andrea Michieli, mentre gli stucchi vennero affidati a Lorenzo Rubini ( che lavorò anche alla Loggia del Capitaniato). Il palazzo ospita oggi il Museo Palladio, incentrato appunto sulla grande figura dell’architetto e dei suoi studi. Sono allestite mostre temporanee.

Notturni Palladiani, Palazzo Barbaran da Porto in Vicenza

Next appointment on Thursday 3 August at 9 pm

What to do in Vicenza this summer 2017? Ask for more info at our hotel Relais Santa Corona ! In the city there will be a few concerts.

The appointment at the Palladio Museum will see the debut of the Olympic Theater Olympics directed by master Davide Sanson, who will propose works by Mozart, Rossini, Strauss in the wind instrument transcript. Davide Sanson graduated in trumpet and teaches at the conservatory of Valle d’Aosta; he has many collaborations with Italian and international orchestras.

The cost of the ticket is 7 euros and can be purchased on event’s evening or by telephone at 0444-326598

For more info please visit

Palazzo Barbaran from Porto

Today is home to the Palladio Museum and the International Center of Architecture Studies Andrea Palladio. Designed by Andrea Palladio, it was the residence of the noble Montano Barbarano. The buyer’s musical interests are noticed in the representation of flutes on the facade. On the ground floor there is a 4-column atrium built on the model of the Marcello Theater in Rome; Palladio uses classic elements to mask the asymmetry of the existing building. The decoration of the inner halls was called Battista Zelotti, Anselmo Canera, Andrea Michieli, while the stuccoes were entrusted to Lorenzo Rubini (who also worked at the Loggia del Capitaniato). The palace now houses the Palladian Museum, centered on the great figure of the architect and his studies. Temporary exhibitions are set up.



CONCERTS OPENIGHTS, Palazzo Leoni Montanari, 5th of August 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016 in Vicenza will be held in the baroque Palazzo Leoni Montanari , the Openights concert, arts-music-drinks under the stars from 8.45pm.

The theme of the evening will be the art of courtship and love in the time of Peter Longhi.

Pietro Longhi was a 1700 Venetian painter who investigated the society of the time and portrayed as part of stage scenery. His work should be understood taking into account the fact of the Goldoni comedy, his contemporary, that creates a new way of understanding art, more related to real life and the society frequented by artists.

Leoni Montanari Palace is the only baroque example in the city center and houses an important permanent collection of Russian Icons and Venetian painting of 1700. At the moment you can visit the exhibition “Dionisio. Myth, ritual and theater”, with Attic and Magna Grecian vases.

At 20.45 hours will begin in the cocktail buffet, at 21.15 the concert “Songs and love stories during the Serenissima”.

Tastings and the concert: € 10 per person

Concert including a drink: EUR 5 per person

For more information ask at the reception of our Relais Santa Corona or visit, for organizing the event, or the one with the location of Palazzo Leoni Montanari http://wwww.gallerieditalia.comRelais Santa Corona