日志 update


2024 年 3 月 14.15.16:穆萨吉特乐团、莫扎特乐团移师维琴察 III 版 与 Musagète Ensemble 合作举办的三场小型音乐会,纪念年轻的莫扎特 1771 年 3 月短暂前往维琴察的经历。 音乐会将在维琴察的基耶里卡蒂宫 (Palazzo Chiericati)、奥林匹克剧院 (Teatro Olimpico) 和蒂耶内宫 (Palazzo Thiene) 举行,靠近我们的 Relais Santa Corona。 了解更多: https://www.ensemblemusagete.it/

ARS IUVENES – Exhibition of young artists of Academy of Fine Arts at Relais Santa Corona

LeieLei by Matteo Daloiso at Relais Santa Corona, Vicenza Free entry, from 11/27/23 to 12/17/23 The Relais Santa Corona presents the ARS IUVENES exhibition offering the opportunity to young artists who attend the Academy of Fine Arts to exhibit their works for free. The first artist selected is Matteo Daloiso, born in Vimercate (MB) in […]

Welcome to the room La Salute

In our Relais every room has a name and on the first floor is located room La Salute. The Basilica della Salute was erected in Venice at Punta della Dogana. It was designed by Baldassare Longhena and represents one of the best expressions of Venetian Baroque architecture. The building was erected as a votive offering […]

Budapest Orchestra will perform soon in Vicenza

When maestro Iván Fischer founded the Budapest Festival Orchestra in 1983, he saw a long-held dream come true. The philosophy behind the orchestra was to create a group of musicians who were creative, responsible and within which each would continue to develop their musicality in the orchestral, chamber and solo repertoire. The orchestra will perform […]


Until 1 October 2023, in Asiago in the province of Vicenza, the exhibition “The Painters of Reality – between ancient and modern” will be held at the Le Carceri Museum. In this extraordinary exhibition, Vittorio Sgarbi continues with determination the journey of rediscovery of the “Modern Painters of Reality”, a group of artists who in 1947 rebelled against the results […]

BISAZZA FOUNDATION: FREE GUIDED TOURS every Friday in July at 4.00 pm

If the quintessential Victorian heroine conceived by Lewis Carroll, Alice, fell down a 21st-century white rabbit’s hole, she would undoubtedly find herself at ease at the Bisazza Foundation in Vicenza. Neither the Queen of Hearts nor the Mad Hatter live here, but a monumental multicolored armchair more than three meters high, a sparkling silver-colored candelabra, […]