ARS IUVENES – Exhibition of young artists of Academy of Fine Arts at Relais Santa Corona

LeieLei by Matteo Daloiso at Relais Santa Corona, Vicenza

Free entry, from 11/27/23 to 12/17/23

The Relais Santa Corona presents the ARS IUVENES exhibition offering the opportunity to young artists who attend the Academy of Fine Arts to exhibit their works for free.

The first artist selected is Matteo Daloiso, born in Vimercate (MB) in 2003. An experimental artist, he is particularly attracted by the expressive potential of colour. He currently studies artistic decoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brescia.

The exhibition aims to reconstruct all facets of the female figure. Since the artist is a man, it is a real investigation, driven by a profound respect but also fascination towards the subject. Each work is imbued with a different vibration impressed by the artistic techniques used. The women represented belong to different times and places. The path is inaugurated by the revisitation of the Nike of Samothrace, a symbol of beauty for the classical world. It is compared to the different costume of the contemporary woman, represented in two panels: a sober girl at the bar and the diva in an evening dress. A design element acts as a connection: a sideboard, made with recycled materials, where two women invite us to grab the handles and open the doors to follow them into their fantastic universe which also becomes ours. In his subsequent works the artist expresses the modesty and delicacy of the faces, outlined with spontaneous instinctiveness thanks to the skilful use of the brush. The female world appears to us in the dream of the double-faced mantis woman, but also in the representation of the subhuman condition of Afghan women, often forced to hide their nature; the work is placed alongside, as if in reaction, an almost photographic depiction of a girl who screams her desire to live to the world: she suffers from her but is also resilient, as symbolized by the water that flows and wets her face . The same energy explodes in the last canvas that closes the exhibition, a pop reinterpretation of a female face.

Artist: Matteo Daloiso@dbernatee

Exhibition curator: Agnese Fiorenzato@jesuissnova

General managing director: Giulia Ranoldi –   @giuliaranoldi. @relaissantacorona

If you are an artist and want to contact us to exhibit your works, write us at

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