FLOW, contemporary art exhibition in Basilica Palladiana

Until the 1th of November inside the Basilica Palladiana there will the temporary exbition FLOW, italian and chinese art dialogue.
The exhibition involve 25 chinese and italian artists which try to create a communication beetween two different cultures, the east and the west. It’s a group exhibition but also individual becouse every artist has his own space for show two operas. The exhibition can be interpreted in three different ways: the personal gaze, the contact with the artist’s vision, the relationship beetween the old and the new, the artist’s role in our society. In the exhibition there will be videos, paintings, projetcs. The curators are Peng Feng and Maria Yvonne Pugliese, for more information visit her web site www.mariayvonnepugliese.it

The ticket costs just 5 euro and gives the possibility to visit also the Palladiam Loggias of the Basilica.

ABILMENTE, international atelier exhibition for the creative mind

From the 15th to the 18th of October, the Vicenza Fair will host this famous exhibtion. the entrance is open to everyone and it’s easily accessible by car in 10 minutes from the city centre or by bus. If you have any queries ask to the Relais Santa Corona’s reception for more informations or visit the web-site www.abilmente.org